Thursday, June 08, 2006

More Chicago Get Down!

Pigmeat Markham - Pig's Popcorn

I'll refer to my earlier post about the black comedian Pigmeat Markham and his funky 45s of the late '60s. Today's selection finds Markham getting involved with the Popcorn dance craze. "Pig's Popcorn," the flip of "Who Got the Number," has one of the hardest-hitting grooves I've ever heard on a Chess funky 45, and Pigmeat's bellowing vocal rides the groove all the way out! Hot stuff, I tell you ... dig that organ work in the middle, and Pig's singing about adult movies(!) in the last verse!

(NOTE: I just realized that, except for the Billy Preston track, every selection this week has been a Chicago soul recording. That wasn't intended, but hey -- I guess it goes to show just how awesome Chicago soul music was!)


  1. Anonymous3:00 AM

    Oh no, this track is already gone after only a few days."Who Got the Number" is one of the best songs ever, and I can't wait to hear this. Please reload it if you can...

  2. Send me an e-mail ( and I'll send you the audio file.
