Friday, August 18, 2006

Just Keep On Struttin'!

The Meters - Chicken Strut

Today's selection is, in addition to being a kick-butt piece of New Orleans funk, a sentimental favorite of mine. I first heard "Chicken Strut" as a small child through my mom's 45s. Of course, as a little tyke I dug the record more for the chicken clucking that appears in the choruses and in the coda than for the groove (although even as a kid I loved the breakdown in the middle), but fortunately as I grew older I came to enjoy this tasty 1970 Josie 45 for the right reasons. I won't go into a discussion about the Meters here; for that you should go to the "Home of the Groove" blog - the link is at the right - for info about the group and many other awesome New Orleans soul and funk luminaries.

I have always been taught that everything happens for a reason. The 45 of "Chicken Strut" I grew up with was originally owned by my mom's ex-boyfriend (his name was written on the label), and I guess it ended up with her after she met my father and married him. I'm glad I got to hear it in those formative years. So Willie Williams, wherever you are, thank you!


  1. Anonymous3:57 AM

    Hello dear soul brother.
    I am looking for the Imperials single called Shimmy shimmy coco bop,& it's B side,could you help me

    please. thank you

    Keep on, keep on, keep on

  2. This record is easily available on eBay - I saw one on for $2.99!
