Monday, September 18, 2006

A Note re Comments

I am very disappointed to note that for the second time in the last couple of months, my announcement that a new show is online has been followed by comments by an anonymous commenter who chooses not to merely comment that he doesn't like the voiceovers, but to be rude and, this time, completely vulgar. For this reason, I can only allow comments from Blogspot members, and I may change the podcast availability or the podcast format altogether. I do not spend money on bandwidth and spend time working on the show for anonymous commenters to hurl insults at me.

A note further about the voiceovers. I know that some like them and some do not. However, I have posted almost daily for the last ten months and counting, and none of them have voiceovers. The podcast is an indulgence of mine, my chance to play "radio show" with the music I love to share. I did the voiceovers because I had fun doing them, but now I'm not so sure if they are fun any more. If I decide to do them in the future, and you do not like such voiceovers, please do not listen to the podcasts.

For those of you who have been supportive of this enterprise, thank you for your kindness and your understanding. You are truly appreciated. I'm sorry if this post has a negative tone, but it's very disheartening to get the message I recieved.


  1. Hey man,

    The voiceovers are what makes your podcast unique. I think you have handled this tactfully.

    The show wouldn't be the same without your flair.

    Don't let the dumb asses get you down. Keep up the good work.


  2. Jason -

    What you do is GREAT... don't let one bonehead get ya down, man!

  3. you know..I have a radio show..also available over the internet..heading for number 200 soon...
    I am from the Old School' as much as I can in an hour..and I talk over intros....always have..always will...if someone wants a track I played..he can ask..I will send a sound file...
    If someone wants a 'show' without personality...he can play his own CD's at home...keep on keeping on...send him to my webpage to get some of my shows..then he can complain to me about my talkovers..



  4. there is just no accounting for bad manners. you take your time to post great music and discourse about the music and people bust your hump for it. sometimes you just can't win but there are a lot of us out here who appreciate what you are doing. so just ignore the creeps and keep up the good work. i just wanna say thank you from myself and my band the cool jerks who all read and love your blog. so a big cool jerk thank you.

  5. It's amazing how people will use the anonymity of the Internet to do things they'd never have the stones to do in person. Don't let 'em get you down. To quote a tune you once posted: "Believers Shall Enjoy, Nonbelievers Shall Suffer."

    Carry on . . . .

  6. Keep on keeping on, Jason! Your hard work inspired me to try out blogging for myself, and if you get the sense of achievement that I get from it, I think you would regret it if you were to let somebody stop you.

    I spent a happy summer holiday in France, playing your podcasts through my ipod on the car stereo as I drove through the countryside. Everybody who drove with me, including my girlfriend's little nieces, was curious to know who you were, how you did the podcasting, found old records, old commercials, what the songs were about etc. They connected with music that they mostly couldn't understand, thanks to your presence. And after all, isn't that kind of the point behind a music called SOUL?

    As Magnificent Montague says, "Put Your Hand On The Radio, Touch My Heart!" If only we could reach the hearts of stone...

    Rob Whatman

  7. Jason: I know I'm comin' to this particular party a week late and everybody else has already expressed my sentiments but I just want to get on the record and say, "DON'T CHANGE A THING" about how you produce your shows!

    Your personality, enthusiasm, your musical knowledge, your very love of what you do comes shining through on those shows. That's your STYLE, man. As somebody has already said, it's what makes your shows/podcasts different, unique and above all else ENJOYABLE! This is your house, don't let nobody tell you how to run your house.

    T. Grundy
