Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Gotta Hear Something Positive About JB!

James Brown - Sexy, Sexy, Sexy

James Brown's body is not yet moldin' in his grave, as the squabble between his family and widow/partner (depending on who you believe) continues. Only the death of Anna Nicole Smith and the mayhem about her burial has spared soul fans from having this story plastered all over the media. Supposedly, all have agreed on a "where," but now it's a question of "when," since DNA testing is now in order to establish JB's paternity of James Brown III. In the midst of such negative news I must do a JB post to remind me of happier times, when his death was a moment for us all to honor him!

As I mentioned in my "Mind Power" post, JB wasn't as successful as a blaxploitation auteur as his contemporaries Isaac Hayes and Curtis Mayfield because he believed that recycling tracks already recorded was sufficient to score films. Today's selection is an example of this approach. "Sexy, Sexy, Sexy" was part of the soundtrack to Slaughter's Big Rip-Off, but it was nothing but a reworking of Brown's 1966 hit "Money Won't Change You" with new lyrics. JB leers away at the "sexy, sexy, sexy" woman, admiring her curvy shape (check out his advice about not dieting - "the more you get, the more I want") and having fun. Frankly, I prefer the new lyrics over the original, as they seem to make more out of the great groove. Surprisingly, the recycled 1966 sound was able to ride JB's 1973 momentum, so the song garnered 45 release and it was a hit! Now that's mind (and chart) power!

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