Friday, March 23, 2007

A New Approach!

Jock Mitchell - Not a Chance in a Million

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Today I managed to get some free time so I decided to check out I'm on their 7-day trial right now, so I'll be doing a lot of experimenting to see how this works - bear with me if I make mistakes. Give me your feedback about having the preview browser, etc.)

Well, it's been a very busy week for your ever-lovin' Stepfather of Soul, hence the lack of posts and link refreshing the last few days. In order to make up for the delay I've decided to make the links for Monday and Tuesday's posts valid until Wednesday of next week. Due to time issues I haven't prepared anything in honor of Luther Ingram, so instead I'll encourage you to check out Red Kelly's B-Side post, which contains a great bio and, as always, a nice piece of soul music to meditate over. The plan for this blog, should things go to plan today and tomorrow, is for the "Rhythm & Booze"-inspired Episode #16 of the podcast to go up either tonight or tomorrow and for some posts from next week to focus on the Numero Group's latest and greatest Eccentric Soul release, Twinight's Lunar Rotation, and to include some stuff by Emanuel Laskey, who is featured in the newest edition of There's That Beat.

For today's selection I present with no further ado the Northern Soul classic "Not a Chance in a Million" by Jock Mitchell, an Impact release from the mid-60s. It's uptown, but Mitchell's reading creeps into Jimmy Robins "preacher" mode by the end. I love it. (Check out the Dec. 2006 issue of There's That Beat for the Impact/Inferno Records story.)


  1. 1. Hipcast worked well for me; I use Firefox and I have the latest version.

    2. The Jock Mitchell side is amazing!

    3. I am going to be REALLY broke after I buy some of those "There's That Beat" 'zines.

    Captain Indigo

  2. A Stormer..up there in my top ten.

  3. Hipcast is great except for one thing:
    I really wish that the artist and track name would appear on the mp3 file instead of a bunch of numbers. It would eliminate the need to manually rename the file, which is a pain.

    Other than that, it's a winner.

  4. I love Not A Chance In A Million! Now I have a clean copy to replace my aging cassette mixtape.

    I checked out There's That Beat, and paid my subscription straight away! Can't wait for it to arrive!
