Saturday, March 10, 2007

This Is a Test!

Gary Toms Empire - 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 (Blow Your Whistle)

Today's post will be brief, as its main purpose is to try out ZShare. As noted in a recent Soul Sides post, it is annoying to have to download a tune before hearing it. One of my dear readers referred me to that post, and so I'm going to try it out to see how it works. Although I do have an annual account with GoDaddy with the online file folder, I'm not afraid to try new stuff. Let me know what you think of this service. Also, if anyone uses Hipcast, which I've seen on a few blogs lately, let me know about it (I like it better because it puts a player on the blog instead of directing you to another webpage). Today's selection follows up on the "blow your whistle" theme I started on Monday.


  1. Doesn't seem to work with Firefox, at least not with Firefox Linux.

  2. Doesn't seem to work with Firefox, at least not firefox Linux

  3. I prefer the onlinefilderfolder, because with GoDaddy there are no pop-ups, no adverts for non-Soul/R&B/Gospel related products, and GoDaddy has a faster download time.


  4. I use Firefox and have absolutely no problems with zShare at all. The download time is just as fast as GoDaddy and I don't get any pop-ups.
