Monday, April 23, 2007

A Time and Place For Bumpin' Funk

Lee Moses - Time and Place

I was exposed to today's selection by Oliver Wang (DJ O-Dub)'s excellent Soul Sides comp (if you haven't already, go to the links section and check out the Soul Sides blog, which is a fantastic, well-written music blog featuring lots of soul and its offshoots). Lee Moses' "Time and Place" is a nice piece of Miami-sounding soul with a push-and-pull funk groove that really cooks. The "slippin' around" lyrics are right in Clarence Carter country and are well-delivered by Lee. The 45 got a release on Front Page, which was one of the many labels Stax did short distribution deals for in the late '60s and early '70s. A subsequent album of the same title, which came out on a different label, is an extremely rare find.


  1. from the dusty groove site:
    Lee Moses -- Time & Place ... LP
    Early 70s Condition: New Copy.... Around May 21, 2007
    An obscure hard soul groover from Lee Moses -- and just about the only full LP we've ever seen from him! The record has a hard southern soul feel to it -- sounding almost like a pile of 45s from a label like Sound Stage 7, or some more obscure imprint. Lee's great in the vocal department -- reminding us a lot of Lee Fields from the time -- and most of the tracks have a garagey funky sound that works great with his singing. Includes a great version of "California Dreaming", plus the tracks "Time & Place", "Got That Will", "Every Boy & Girl", "Hey Joe", "Free At Last", and "Adorable One".


  2. Hi Jason

    Great choice as ever!

    Hopefully Sanctuary Records will be releasing an album of all Lee's material in the near future.

    My friend Simon White compiled the CD and used my research on Lee some of which you can find on my blog but there will be some new material in there as well.

    Unfortunately, Lee died a few years back and my research is based on talking to his Atlanta friends Hermon Hitson, Mighty Hannibal and Freddie Terrell as well as input from Lee's sister Donia.

    A vastly under-rated artist and I am so pleased we were able to compile the CD - the only draw back was not having the tapes - we burned it all from my 45s and album but at least it can get a wider audience now!!!


