Friday, May 25, 2007

Friday Femme Soul Power!

The Miller Sisters - I'm Telling It Like It Is

One of the most exciting moments in my browsing of soul music blogs and websites or listening to podcasts is when I hear tunes that make me say "OK, I need to go on eBay or GEMM and try to buy this record right away!" Sometimes the end result is the disappointing "darn, that record is WAY too expensive" (which until recently was my feeling about Ronnie Mitchell's "Soul Meeting" and still is in effect for Leah Dawson's "My Mechanical Man"), but on other occasions I am able to snag a copy of my own to enjoy.

Today's selection fits, fortunately, in the latter camp. I don't know anything about the Miller Sisters or the GMC label, but when I heard "I'm Telling It Like It Is" as part of one of the great podcasts from The Blush Organisation, I high-tailed it right over to eBay and found a copy on "Buy It Now" status. Are there any guesses as to what I did next? Anyway, the Miller Sisters really give it up on this dancer, and I can't wait until I get the chance to play this out. Get on down, sisters! Get on down!


  1. Wow Jason...X.Files..I had planned this for one of my next Radio Shows..
    The Sisters were active in the 50's and also did some country material..across the board..this is the cream tho....


  2. Thanks for the shout, Jason, we should have another two or three new podcasts going up in the next few weeks.

    As Barry said, the Miller Sisters also did some country material on Sun in the 50s.

  3. I just snagged me a copy of this one. Great stuff!

    I don't believe this is the same group that recorded on Sun in the 50s.

    There is some background and some great pictures on the GMC Miller Sisters here:
