Friday, May 18, 2007

Hal Hardy!

Hal Hardy - House of Broken Hearts

I really don't know anything about Hal Hardy except that he was one of the multitude of Nashville soul cats who just didn't get their due. I first heard of Hardy via the two episodes of WLAC-TV's "Night Train" that I have in my video collection. On the shows Hardy covers "What'd I Say" and "Doggin' Around" while striking a strong presence with his pompadour and cape. (There used to be a YouTube user who had some video of Hardy on "Night Train," but he was suspended by YouTube - darn!)

Today's selection is the best-known of his few recordings. "House of Broken Hearts" was released on Hollywood and it features a pleasant performance by Hardy and some background singers over a nice Northern-tinged groove.

(NOTE - If anyone is in the Atlanta area this weekend, make sure to drop by El Myr Burrito Lounge, 1091 Euclid Ave., Atlanta, GA, for the monthly soul party "Rhythm & Booze"; I'm not going to be DJing but I certainly plan to be there, dancing this week's blues away!)

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