Friday, September 21, 2007

Just A Little Bit of Lattimore!

Lattimore Brown - Teenie Weenie

Sir Lattimore Brown has appeared a few times on the blog, so I'll dispense with any introductions to jump into today's selection. "Teenie Weenie," Brown's 1961 cover of Roscoe Gordon's "Just a Little Bit," was the first 45 of two Brown would cut for the Duchess label before hooking up with Sound State 7 for the remainder of the decade. There's a nice rawness to this record, as Brown and the band really wail. It's that kind of rawness that makes Brown's records so neat - yes, Brown was not the best singer, technically, but he had soul to spare, and you can't help but feel it when you're listening to his material. I also am fond of the little "Tequila"-based horn vamp in the middle and end of the record. I should also note that the flip side, a cover of "(Night Time Is) The Right Time," is also very enjoyable, as Brown and the band engage in some serious stop-time testifying (I'll have to post it soon).

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