Sunday, September 23, 2007

More Meditations Getting Down!

The Meditation Singers - I've Done Wrong

The Meditation Singers and the "gos-pop" material they laid down for Checker Records have appeared on the blog and on podcasts, so I'll get right into today's selection. "I've Done Wrong" was another funky gospel number featuring that great Chess house band and Laura Lee's fabulous vocals. The lyrics are strictly sanctified, but the groove comes right out of those Pigmeat Markham's funky 45s and the other hot Chicago soul product coming out of the studio at the time.

(Thanks to John Glassburner for this track.)


  1. Thanks, this is a great track! Too bad it skips though. :(

  2. I know ... I had hesitated to post it because of that, but it's just too good not to post. I forgot to put in the "skip" disclaimer when I was doing the write-up.
