Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving Every Day!

Bobby Powell - Thank You

Blind Louisiana singer/pianst Bobby Powell's '60s and '70s soul and funk sides for Whit, Jewel and Excello are well-known among serious soul fans but Powell's name and music is rarely recognized outside of that circle. This is unfortunate, because Powell's powerful gospel-bent singing and the fine Southern soul arrangements that surrounded him made records like "C.C. Rider" (his only substantial hit) some of the finest of that genre. Powell himself would stop chasing the hit parade by the early '80s, returning to gospel music and fading into obscurity afterwards. Fortunately, his records are very easy to get and the Whit and Jewel sides have been comped on the WestSide CD Into My Own Thing: The Jewel and Whit Recordings 1966-1971. It's only fitting that the last post before Thanksgiving Day be one about being thankful, and Powell's Whit 45 "Thank You" fits within my "Thanksgiving Every Day" post title, because he's talking about being thankful for his woman's love and the impact it has. The groove here is a nice piece of strutting funk, and Powell and the background singers really bring home the song's message while said groove pushes and pulls along.

If all goes to plan, I will be doing the Thanksgiving thing with family and friends tomorrow, but will get the new podcast up on Friday or Saturday! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you; I'm thankful for you!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

    Dirk from Istabul
