Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Get On Down With Big Al, Country Style!

Big Al Downing - Cornbread Row

The multifaceted singer/pianist Big Al Downing has appeared on this blog before, and I'll defer to my initial post about him for more details about the soul/country/country soul giant. Today's selection was a Silver Fox single which has been comped on Action Speaks Louder Than Words, one of several great compilations that have been released over the last couple of years featuring SSS International and its affiliated labels. "Cornbread Row" clearly straddles the line between country and soul, as Al tells his story over a mid-tempo groove featuring some twangy guitar. It's Big Al at his best, and it's a fun one!

1 comment:

  1. I love this man's voice. Before I really started getting into soul ballads I was more into country and I still am a little. Just a few years ago I got to know the country side of Big Al. I love his country version of "Touch me (I'll be your fool once more"
    Best Season Greetings to you Jason and your love ones.
