Friday, January 11, 2008

Happy Friday!

Robert Parker - Happy Feet

TGIF! I wanted to put something cheerful up to reflect my good mood today, and not surprisingly, Robert Parker had just what the doctor ordered (he seems to always have that effect, as a prior post shows). It's clear that "Happy Feet" was an attempt to cash in on Parker's 1966 NOLA smash "Barefootin'" (the dance is mentioned and, as in "Tip Toe," there's a podiatric theme in the title and lyrics), but the cheerful New Orleans groove is enough to make such derivation forgivable!


  1. How fantastic was that... Thank you for the tremendous share.

    Peace and blessings.

  2. What a gas! Barefootin' ,one of my favourite tracks of all time, can't sit down when its on the jukebox!
