Friday, February 08, 2008

The Stepbrothers Are Socking Soul Power AGAIN on Rockin' Radio!

This past weekend your ever-lovin' Stepfather of Soul spent yet another fun day with the Electro-Phonic Brian Phillips of Rockin' Radio as Brian's guest on a special two-hour episode of The Electro-Phonic Sound of Brian Phillips, which is now available at Rockin' Radio. As you know from Episode #20 of the "Get on Down ..." podcast, Brian and I always have a lot of fun when we get together, and this go-round is no exception. The playlist includes '50s R&B, '60s rock, '70s soul, some tomfoolery and lots of good music and commentary by Brian and myself. My thanks to Brian for hosting me yet again, and special thanks to Rockin' Radio organizer Randy Tivens, who invited me to be part of the Rockin' Radio family!

(EDITOR'S NOTE - And if two hours of the "Stepbrothers of Soul" isn't enough to keep your soul satisfied, I'm planning to record Episode #25 of the "Get on Down ..." podcast this weekend. Look out for it! It's going to be a stone gas!)

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