Wednesday, June 04, 2008

RIP Bo Diddley

Bo Diddley - Black Soul

Unfortunately, the parade of musicians leaving this planet continues unabated, and Bo Diddley, one of the architects of rock'n'roll, has joined, having passed on Monday at age 79. Bo's "hambone" rhythm and unique sense of style made him a hot figure in the '50s with hits on Checker and, although his hits cooled significantly as the '60s emerged, Diddley kept busy, putting out fine records for the Chess labels until 1974. Today's selection comes from his 1970 LP The Black Gladiator, which was an attempt by the now-GRT-owned Chess Records to bring Bo full-on into the funk era. "Black Soul" is a mostly-instrumental jam in which Bo shares the spotlight with a hot organist while a female chorus chants the title. Although the album was commercially and critically unsuccessful, like the other attempts by Chess to "update" their aging blues stars' sounds, Diddley was more comfortable with the funk, and the entire album is worth a listen. RIP Bo; you were indeed the baddest "Gunslinger" out there.

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