Saturday, August 11, 2007

More Vinyl Record Day Coverage!

The dispatches keep on coming in - mine (which seems to be one of the last to go up in the blogswarm) will be here tomorrow!

*Red Kelly covers The Numero Group's reissues of Twinight 45s in his The B-Side feature on Renaldo Domino (thanks, Red, for the shout-out);

*Kevin showcases album cover art at Got The Fever (warning - some of the album covers are NSFW);

*John at You Must Be From Away discusses the joys of acquiring records and the records themselves, with MP3s scattered throughout to demonstrate not only the music, but the sounds of scratchy records;

*Brian M. from It's Great Shakes shares how he received "the call of the 45" as a hospitalized child;

*At Jefitoblog, the memories of vinyl remain, although the "digital Rubicon" has been crossed;

*Meanwhile, over at Fufu Stew, Vincent's "Ode to the Vinyl Record" yields forth another great Fufu Stew mix, "Dateline 1973: Part Deux," as well as links to the story of his first introduction to records and to more musical goodness at his sister site, The Snack Bar;

*Ickmusic presents another ode to vinyl, which indeed fits within Vinyl Record Day's mandate to preserve the past (he covers his first LP) and to promote the future (he discusses his new USB turntable);

*John talks about shopping for records (I really want to go to Amoeba LA!) and features Garrett Morris' heretofore unknown to me LP, Saturday Night Suite, at Lost In The '80s;

*Memory Lane for Doug at the Underground Vault of Records, Music and All Kinds of Stuff begins with the theme to the "Batman" TV series;

*For Colin Dilnot at In Dangerous Rhythm, Memory Lane led to Skeleton Records, where he purchased many a record;

*Dave admits that he likes LPs as well as 45s when it comes to jazz over at Three-Sixty-Five45s; and

*At AM, Then FM, adventures with albums include those of love, loaned albums, album art, Mary Jane and octogenarians.

Although I'll do so more loquaciously tomorrow, I must pause and praise J.A. from The Hits Just Keep On Comin' for organizing this blogswarm. I have been entertained, educated, and certainly touched by the outpouring of love that all of these bloggers have brought forth so far. I can only hope that tomorrow I can contribute something worthy to the occasion.

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