Friday, August 10, 2007

Vinyl Record Day Coverage Begins!

Yesterday I announced that I would be joining other music and radio bloggers in the blogswarm organized by J.A. Bartlett from The Hits Just Keep On Comin' to commemorate Vinyl Record Day. (See Bartlett's own contribution to the blogswarm , in which he conjures up memories of automatic record changers.) Quite a few of the bloggers participating in this event have already come forth with their posts, so do check out these great early dispatches:

*Davewillieradio's declaration of his vinyl affliction also includes a podcast;

*Whiteray chronicles his milestone vinyl acquisitions (and includes MP3s ripped from the vinyl itself, pops and all) (I can only aspire to have 2,906 records someday!) at Echoes In The Wind;

*DJ Prestige tells his story of a wacky record digging trip at Flea Market Funk;

*Further along memory lane is Larry Grogan's story of his employment as a teenaged flea market record seller at Funky 16 Corners;

*Homercat discusses what makes vinyl special to him (and what about vinyl does not appeal to him) and includes some MP3s at Good Rockin' Tonight;

*Py Korry sallies forth with six quite diverse selections of material from various LPs; and

*Todd at It's Great Shakes presents another great podcast.

Can't you feel the love of vinyl that's going on here? I'm excited to see other posts (and to write my own)!

1 comment:

  1. Jason, thanks for the mention. I had a lot of fun putting together my first podcast. It's also been a blast going around and reading the various Vinyl Record Day posts on all of the participating blogs.
